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@ Indians
Progressive Field
June 7, 2022
Top 1
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 1-0, RoB: ---
Semien vs. McCarty
Semien hits a line drive towards the mound. McCarty can't hold onto the ball. That's a base hit. View Play -
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 1-2, RoB: 1--
Seager vs. McCarty
Seager hits a fly ball into left field. Mercado settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 1-2, RoB: 1--
Garver vs. McCarty
Garver strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: 1--
Garcia vs. McCarty
Garcia hits a line drive towards third. Ramirez reaches out and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Bottom 1
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 3-2, RoB: ---
Straw vs. Hearn
Straw strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Rosario vs. Hearn
Rosario strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Ramirez vs. Hearn
Ramirez hits a line drive into center field. White settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Top 2
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 3-2, RoB: ---
Heim vs. McCarty
Heim hits a fly ball into center field. Straw settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 1-1, RoB: ---
Duran vs. McCarty
Duran hits a ball on the ground towards third. Ramirez fields the ball and throws it to first. Safe. View Play -
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 0-1, RoB: 1--
Lowe vs. McCarty
Lowe hits a ball on the ground into left field for a base hit. Duran moves to second. View Play -
Rangers, 0 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 0-0, RoB: 12-
Culberson vs. McCarty
Culberson hits a ball on the ground towards third. Ramirez throws to second for one, and Clement throws the ball away attempting to make the double play. Duran scores. Culberson moves to second. That run is unearned. View Play -
Rangers, 1 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 1-1, RoB: -2-
White vs. McCarty
White hits a popup, foul, towards first. Miller settles under it and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Bottom 2
Rangers, 1 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Miller vs. Hearn
Miller strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 1 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Naylor vs. Hearn
Naylor strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 1 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Gonzalez vs. Hearn
Gonzalez hits a ball on the ground towards short. Seager fields it, and throws to first. And he throws it away. That's an error on Seager. View Play -
Rangers, 1 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 1-2, RoB: 1--
Clement vs. Hearn
Clement strikes out. View Play
Top 3
Rangers, 1 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 3-2, RoB: ---
Semien vs. McCarty
Semien hits a long drive deep into left center field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run. View Play -
Rangers, 2 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 1-0, RoB: ---
Seager vs. McCarty
Seager hits a ball on the ground towards first. Miller scoops up the ball, races to the bag, and beats Seager for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 2 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Garver vs. McCarty
Garver hits a ball on the ground towards short. Rosario scoops it up and throws to first for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 2 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: ---
Garcia vs. McCarty
Garcia hits a ball on the ground towards short. Rosario scoops it up and throws to first for the out. View Play
Bottom 3
Rangers, 2 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 0-0, RoB: ---
Maile vs. Hearn
Maile hits a ball on the ground towards short. Seager scoops it up and throws to first for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 2 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 0-1, RoB: ---
Mercado vs. Hearn
Mercado hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. View Play -
Rangers, 2 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: 1--
Straw vs. Hearn
Straw hits a ball on the ground towards short. Seager fields it and throws to second for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 2 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 0-2, RoB: 1--
Rosario vs. Hearn
Rosario hits a fly ball into right field. Garcia settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Top 4
Rangers, 2 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 3-2, RoB: ---
Heim vs. McCarty
Heim hits a long drive deep into left field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run. View Play -
Rangers, 3 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Duran vs. McCarty
Duran hits a ball on the ground towards first. Miller fields the ball and throws to McCarty covering. Safe. View Play -
Rangers, 3 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 1-0, RoB: 1--
Lowe vs. McCarty
Lowe hits a long drive deep into left center field. That ball is going, going, gone. A two run home run.. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Culberson vs. McCarty
Culberson strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 0-0, RoB: ---
White vs. McCarty
White hits a popup, foul, in front of the plate. Maile settles under it and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 0-1, RoB: ---
Semien vs. McCarty
Semien hits a ball on the ground towards short. Rosario fields the ball and throws it to first. Safe. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 0-1, RoB: 1--
Seager vs. McCarty
Seager hits a ball on the ground towards short. Rosario scoops it up and throws to first for the out. View Play
Bottom 4
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 0-1, RoB: ---
Ramirez vs. Hearn
Ramirez hits a line drive into center field. White settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 0-2, RoB: ---
Miller vs. Hearn
Miller hits a fly ball into right field. Garcia settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 0-2, RoB: ---
Naylor vs. Hearn
Naylor strikes out. View Play
Top 5
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 3-2, RoB: ---
Garver vs. Sandlin
Nick Sandlin now pitching.
Garver hits a ball on the ground towards third. Ramirez fields it and throws to first for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 3-2, RoB: ---
Garcia vs. Sandlin
Garcia strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Heim vs. Sandlin
Heim hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 2-0, RoB: 1--
Duran vs. Sandlin
There goes Heim. The throw from Maile and he is safe. Heim steals second. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 3-1, RoB: -2-
Duran vs. Sandlin
Duran hits a ball on the ground towards short. Rosario scoops it up and throws to first for the out. View Play
Bottom 5
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 0-0, RoB: ---
Gonzalez vs. Hearn
Gonzalez hits a ball on the ground towards first. Lowe scoops up the ball, races to the bag, and beats Gonzalez for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 1-1, RoB: ---
Clement vs. Hearn
Clement hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 1-1, RoB: 1--
Maile vs. Hearn
Maile hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Semien fields it, throws to second for one, and over to first - double play. View Play
Top 6
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Lowe vs. Stephan
Trevor Stephan now pitching.
Lowe hits a ball on the ground towards third. Ramirez fields the ball and throws it to first. Safe. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 1-2, RoB: 1--
Culberson vs. Stephan
Culberson strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 1, Count: 0-0, RoB: 1--
White vs. Stephan
White hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Clement fields it and throws to second for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: 1--
Semien vs. Stephan
There goes White. The throw from Maile and he is safe. White steals second. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 3-1, RoB: -2-
Semien vs. Stephan
Semien takes first base on ball four. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 1-2, RoB: 12-
Seager vs. Stephan
There go the runners. Both runners are safe. A double steal. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 3-2, RoB: -23
Seager vs. Stephan
Seager takes first base on ball four. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: 123
Garver vs. Stephan
Garver hits a ball on the ground towards third. Ramirez fields it and throws to second for the out. View Play
Bottom 6
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 0-1, RoB: ---
Mercado vs. Hearn
Mercado hits a line drive into left field, out of the reach of Culberson. Mercado reaches second base with a double. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 2-2, RoB: -2-
Straw vs. Hearn
There's a wild pitch. Mercado moves to third. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 3-2, RoB: --3
Straw vs. Hearn
Straw takes first base on ball four. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 0
Outs: 0, Count: 0-0, RoB: 1-3
Rosario vs. Hearn
Rosario hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Mercado scores. Straw moves to second. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 1
Outs: 0, Count: 2-0, RoB: 12-
Ramirez vs. Hearn
Ramirez hits a popup towards first. Lowe settles under it and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 1
Outs: 1, Count: 0-0, RoB: 12-
Miller vs. Hearn
Miller hits a line drive into center field. White settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 1
Outs: 2, Count: 3-1, RoB: 12-
Naylor vs. Hearn
Naylor takes first base on ball four. Straw moves to third. Rosario moves to second. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 1
Outs: 2, Count: 0-2, RoB: 123
Gonzalez vs. Santana
Dennis Santana now pitching.
Gonzalez hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Straw scores. Rosario scores. Naylor moves to second. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 0-1, RoB: 12-
Gimenez vs. Santana
Andres Gimenez pinch hits for Ernie Clement.
Gimenez hits a popup, foul, towards third. Duran settles under it and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Top 7
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 3-1, RoB: ---
Garcia vs. Shaw
Andres Gimenez now playing second base. Bryan Shaw now pitching.
Garcia takes first base on ball four. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 0-2, RoB: 1--
Heim vs. Shaw
Heim hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Gimenez fields it and throws to second for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 0-0, RoB: 1--
Duran vs. Shaw
Duran hits a ball on the ground into right field for a base hit. Heim moves to second. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 1-2, RoB: 12-
Lowe vs. Shaw
Lowe strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 3-2, RoB: 12-
Walker vs. Shaw
Steele Walker pinch hits for Charlie Culberson.
Walker takes first base on ball four. Heim moves to third. Duran moves to second. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 0-0, RoB: 123
White vs. Shaw
White hits a popup towards the right side of the infield. Gimenez settles under it and makes the catch for the out. View Play
Bottom 7
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 2-1, RoB: ---
Maile vs. Santana
Steele Walker now playing left field.
Maile hits a ball on the ground towards third. Duran fields it and throws to first for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 3-2, RoB: ---
Palacios vs. Santana
Richie Palacios pinch hits for Oscar Mercado.
Palacios takes first base on ball four. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 1-2, RoB: 1--
Straw vs. Santana
Straw hits a line drive into center field. White settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 1-2, RoB: 1--
Rosario vs. Santana
Rosario strikes out. View Play
Top 8
Rangers, 5 - Indians, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 2-1, RoB: ---
Semien vs. Gose
Richie Palacios now playing left field. Anthony Gose now pitching.
Semien hits a long drive deep into left center field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 0-2, RoB: ---
Seager vs. Gose
Seager strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 3-2, RoB: ---
Garver vs. Gose
Garver takes first base on ball four. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: 1--
Garcia vs. Gose
Garcia strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 2-2, RoB: 1--
Heim vs. Gose
Heim strikes out. View Play
Bottom 8
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 2-1, RoB: ---
Ramirez vs. King
John King now pitching.
Ramirez hits a popup, foul, in front of the plate. Heim settles under it and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 2-2, RoB: ---
Miller vs. King
Miller hits a ball on the ground towards short. Seager scoops it up and throws to first for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 0-2, RoB: ---
Naylor vs. King
Naylor strikes out. View Play
Top 9
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 1-2, RoB: ---
Duran vs. Hentges
Sam Hentges now pitching.
Duran strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 0-2, RoB: ---
Lowe vs. Hentges
Lowe strikes out. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 1-0, RoB: ---
Walker vs. Hentges
Walker hits a ball on the ground towards first. Miller scoops up the ball, races to the bag, and beats Walker for the out. View Play
Bottom 9
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 0, Count: 0-2, RoB: ---
Gonzalez vs. Barlow
Joe Barlow now pitching.
Gonzalez hits a ball on the ground towards short. Seager scoops it up and throws to first for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 1, Count: 0-2, RoB: ---
Gimenez vs. Barlow
Gimenez hits a fly ball into center field. White settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 3-0, RoB: ---
Kwan vs. Barlow
Steven Kwan pinch hits for Luke Maile.
Kwan takes first base on ball four. View Play -
Rangers, 6 - Indians, 3
Outs: 2, Count: 3-2, RoB: 1--
Palacios vs. Barlow
Palacios hits a ball on the ground towards third. Duran fields it and throws to first for the out. View Play