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Luis Gonzalez, 2022, 1990 — World Series Games

 DateVisiting TeamHome TeamScoreHome PitcherVisiting Pitcher
Go to Game November 4, 2001New York YankeesArizona Diamondbacks -2-3W: Randy JohnsonStarter: Curt SchillingL: Mariano RiveraStarter: Roger Clemens
Go to Game November 3, 2001New York YankeesArizona Diamondbacks -2-15W: Randy JohnsonStarter: Randy JohnsonL: Andy PettitteStarter: Andy Pettitte
Go to Game November 1, 2001Arizona DiamondbacksNew York Yankees -2-3W: Sterling HitchcockStarter: Mike MussinaL: Albie LopezStarter: Miguel Batista
Go to Game October 31, 2001Arizona DiamondbacksNew York Yankees -3-4W: Mariano RiveraStarter: Orlando HernandezL: Byung-Hyun KimStarter: Curt Schilling
Go to Game October 30, 2001Arizona DiamondbacksNew York Yankees -1-2W: Roger ClemensStarter: Roger ClemensL: Brian AndersonStarter: Brian Anderson
Go to Game October 28, 2001New York YankeesArizona Diamondbacks -0-4W: Randy JohnsonStarter: Randy JohnsonL: Andy PettitteStarter: Andy Pettitte
Go to Game October 27, 2001New York YankeesArizona Diamondbacks -1-9W: Curt SchillingStarter: Curt SchillingL: Mike MussinaStarter: Mike Mussina

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