Troy Afenir, 1987, 1992 — Regular Season Games

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Troy Afenir, 1987, 1992 — Regular Season Games

 DateVisiting TeamHome TeamScoreHome PitcherVisiting Pitcher
Go to Game June 6, 1992Cincinnati RedsLos Angeles Dodgers -5-4L: Steve WilsonStarter: Bob OjedaW: Scott BankheadStarter: Chris Hammond
Go to Game May 10, 1992Cincinnati RedsChicago Cubs -6-0L: Danny JacksonStarter: Danny JacksonW: Tim BelcherStarter: Tim Belcher
Go to Game May 7, 1992New York MetsCincinnati Reds -2-4W: Chris HammondStarter: Chris HammondL: Dwight GoodenStarter: Dwight Gooden
Go to Game June 6, 1991Milwaukee BrewersOakland Athletics -8-9W: Bruce WaltonStarter: Andy HawkinsL: Chuck CrimStarter: Don August
Go to Game July 22, 1990Toronto Blue JaysOakland Athletics -0-3W: Mike MooreStarter: Mike MooreL: Jimmy KeyStarter: Jimmy Key
Go to Game July 7, 1990Oakland AthleticsCleveland Indians -0-1W: Buddy BlackStarter: Buddy BlackL: Curt YoungStarter: Curt Young

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