David Ortiz Plays

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David Ortiz: 1B

  Play Date Player Team Opposing Team Opposing Pitcher Inning Outs Runners
Go to play Single August 15, 2015 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 1 2 First
Go to play Single May 16, 2015 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 5 2 First
Go to play Single August 22, 2014 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 1 1 First
Go to play Single June 23, 2014 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 1 2 Second
Go to play Single August 1, 2013 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 1 2 First
Go to play Single July 8, 2013 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 4 0 Bases Empty
Go to play Single July 8, 2013 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 2 0 Bases Empty
Go to play Single June 28, 2012 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 9 1 Bases Empty
Go to play Single August 13, 2011 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 6 1 Bases Empty
Go to play Single June 26, 2007 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 5 1 Bases Empty
Go to play Single June 26, 2007 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 3 1 Second
Go to play Single July 22, 2006 Boston Red Sox Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez (R) 3 2 Second

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  • vs pitcher: Felix Hernandez
  • play types: 20

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Home / Away



Count ‡

Pitcher L/R




‡ We do not have information available on balls and strikes for years prior to 1988

Important: The information used for these queries were obtained from Retrosheet.org, and as a result are representative of only those games for which it has data. All games from 1974 through 2011 are included. However, the play by play from some games from 1903 through 1973 are missing. Although we attempt to present all information as accurately as we can, we are limited by the data we have.