Athletics @ Angels
May 22, 2022

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Bottom 1 R H E
Athletics 0 0 0
Angels 1 2 0
Bottom 1 R H E
Athletics 0 0 0
Angels 1 2 0

Matt Duffy Season Stats

  Game Season
Average .000 .227
OBP .000 .306
At Bats 0 44
Hits 0 10
• Singles 0 9
• Doubles 0 1
• Triples 0 0
• Home Runs 0 0
Walks 0 5
RBI’s 0 2

Cole Irvin Season Stats

Wins Losses Saves
2 1 0
Angel Stadium - May 22, 2022
Cole Irvin
Sean Murphy
Christian Bethancourt
Sheldon Neuse
Kevin Smith
Elvis Andrus
Luis Barrera
Cristian Pache
Chad Pinder
Matt Duffy
Mike Trout
Count: 1-1, 1 Out
Count: 1-1, 2 Outs

Duffy hits a ball on the ground towards third. Smith fields it and throws to first for the out.