Phillies @ Reds
June 5, 1931

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Bottom 8 R H E
Phillies 2 7 2
Reds 9 13 0
Bottom 8 R H E
Phillies 2 7 2
Reds 9 13 0

Wally Roettger Season Stats

  Game Season
Average 1.000 .355
OBP 1.000 .390
At Bats 4 138
Hits 4 49
• Singles 2 38
• Doubles 0 8
• Triples 2 2
• Home Runs 0 1
Walks 0 7
RBI’s 2 14

Ed Fallenstein Season Stats

Wins Losses Saves
0 0 0
Crosley Field - June 5, 1931
Ed Fallenstein
Harry McCurdy
Don Hurst
Les Mallon
Pinky Whitney
Dick Bartell
Chuck Klein
Fred Brickell
Buzz Arlett
Wally Roettger
Estel Crabtree
Count:  - , 1 Out
Count:  - , 0 Outs

Roettger hits a ball on the ground towards short. Bartell fields it, throws to second for one, and over to first - double play.

Bottom 8 Crabtree hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit.
Bottom 8 Johnson hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Mallon scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 8 Whitney hits a fly ball into left field. Roettger settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 8 Arlett takes first base on ball four. Klein moves to second.
Top 8 Klein hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit.
Top 8 Bartell hits a fly ball into left field. Roettger settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 8 Brickell hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Cuccinello scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 7 Styles hits a fly ball into center field. Brickell settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 7 Ford hits a ball on the ground towards short. Bartell fields it and throws to third for the out. Score that a fielder's choice.
Bottom 7 Cuccinello bunts towards the mound. Fallenstein fields it and throws to first for the out. Roush moves to second.
Bottom 7 Ed Fallenstein now pitching. Harry McCurdy now catching. Roush hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit.
Top 7 Harry McCurdy pinch hits for Hal Elliott. McCurdy hits a ball on the ground towards third. Stripp fields it, throws to second for one, and over to first - double play.
Top 7 Fred Koster pinch hits for Tony Rensa. Koster hits a ball on the ground towards short. Ford fields it and throws to second for the out. Hurst moves to third.
Top 7 Mallon hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Hurst moves to second.
Top 7 Hurst hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Whitney scores.
Top 7 Whitney hits a line drive into center field, out of the reach of Roush. Whitney reaches second base with a double. Arlett goes all the way around to score.
Top 7 Arlett hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit.
Bottom 6 Hendrick hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Mallon fields it, throws to second for one, and over to first - double play.
Bottom 6 Stripp hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Roettger scores.
Bottom 6 Roettger hits a line drive into center field, out of the reach of Brickell who is chasing the ball. Roettger reaches third base with a triple. Johnson scores. Crabtree goes all the way around to score.
Bottom 6 Crabtree hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Johnson moves to second.
Bottom 6 Johnson hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit.
Bottom 6 Styles hits a fly ball into left field. Klein settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 6 Klein hits a fly ball into center field. Roush settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 6 Bartell hits a fly ball into left field. Roettger settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 6 Brickell hits a fly ball into center field. Roush settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 5 Hal Elliott now pitching. Ford hits a fly ball towards right. Arlett catches it. Cuccinello tags up. Here's the throw to Bartell, who relays to Whitney, who tags Cuccinello for the double play. Roush scores. That run is unearned.
Bottom 5 Cuccinello hits a line drive into center field, out of the reach of Brickell. Cuccinello reaches second base with a double. Roush moves to third.
Bottom 5 Roush hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Mallon fields it, and throws to first. And he throws it away. That's an error on Mallon. Stripp scores. That run is unearned.
Bottom 5 There goes Stripp. The throw from Rensa and he is safe. Stripp steals third.
Bottom 5 Hendrick hits a ball on the ground towards the mound. The ball bounces off Stoner, and towards Mallon, who fields it and throws to first for the out. Roettger scores.
Bottom 5 Stripp hits a line drive into center field, out of the reach of Brickell. Stripp reaches second base with a double. Roettger moves to third.
Bottom 5 Roettger hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit.
Top 5 Stoner hits a ball on the ground towards short. Ford fields it and throws to second for the out.
Top 5 Rensa hits a popup towards the right side of the infield. Cuccinello settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Mallon takes first base on ball four.
Top 5 Lena Styles now catching. Hurst hits a fly ball into left field. Roettger settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 4 Crabtree hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Mallon scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 4 Johnson hits a fly ball into right field. Arlett settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 4 Sukeforth hits a line drive into center field, out of the reach of Brickell. Sukeforth reaches second base with a double. Cuccinello scores.
Bottom 4 Ford bunts in front of the plate. Rensa fields it and throws to first for the out. Cuccinello moves to second.
Bottom 4 Cuccinello takes first base on ball four.
Top 4 Whitney hits a ball on the ground towards short. Ford scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 4 Arlett hits a fly ball into center field. Roush settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. Bartell moves to third.
Top 4 Klein hits a fly ball into left field. Roettger settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 4 Bartell hits a line drive into center field, out of the reach of Roush. Bartell reaches second base with a double.
Bottom 3 Roush hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Mallon scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 3 Hendrick hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Mallon scoops it up and throws to first for the out. Roettger scores. Stripp moves to second. That run is unearned.
Bottom 3 Stripp hits a ball on the ground towards third. Whitney juggles the ball. That's an error on Whitney.
Bottom 3 Roettger hits a line drive into center field, out of the reach of Brickell who is chasing the ball. Roettger reaches third base with a triple.
Bottom 3 Crabtree hits a ball on the ground towards first. Hurst scoops up the ball, races to the bag, and beats Crabtree for the out.
Top 3 Brickell hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Cuccinello scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 3 Stoner hits a line drive towards the right side of the infield. Cuccinello reaches out and makes the catch for the out.
Top 3 Rensa hits a popup towards the right side of the infield. Cuccinello settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 2 Johnson hits a popup towards the right side of the infield. Mallon settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 2 Sukeforth hits a fly ball into right field. Arlett settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 2 Ford hits a ball on the ground towards third. Whitney fields it and throws to first for the out.
Top 2 Mallon hits a line drive towards the right side of the infield. Cuccinello reaches out and makes the catch for the out.
Top 2 Hurst hits a popup towards short. Ford settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Top 2 Whitney hits a fly ball into left field. Roettger settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 1 Lil Stoner now pitching. Cuccinello hits a ball on the ground towards third. Whitney fields it, throws to home for one, and over to first - double play.
Bottom 1 Roush takes first base on ball four.
Bottom 1 There's a wild pitch. Stripp moves to third. Hendrick moves to second.
Bottom 1 Hendrick takes first base on ball four. Stripp moves to second.
Bottom 1 Stripp hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Mallon fields it and throws to second for the out. Crabtree scores.
Bottom 1 Roettger hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Crabtree moves to third.
Bottom 1 Crabtree hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit.
Top 1 Arlett hits a fly ball into right field. Crabtree settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 1 Klein hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Cuccinello scoops it up and throws to first for the out. Brickell moves to third.
Top 1 Bartell bunts towards the mound. Johnson fields it and throws to first for the out. Brickell moves to second.
Top 1 Brickell hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit.