Mariners @ Twins
June 12, 2017

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Top 9 R H E
Mariners 12 16 0
Twins 3 7 2
Top 9 R H E
Mariners 12 16 0
Twins 3 7 2

Ben Gamel Season Stats

  Game Season
Average .667 .333
OBP .800 .402
At Bats 3 156
Hits 2 52
• Singles 2 39
• Doubles 0 9
• Triples 0 2
• Home Runs 0 2
Walks 2 19
RBI’s 0 18

Chris Gimenez Season Stats

Wins Losses Saves
0 0 0
Target Field - June 12, 2017
Chris Gimenez
Jason Castro
Ehire Adrianza
Brian Dozier
Eduardo Escobar
Jorge Polanco
Robbie Grossman
Byron Buxton
Max Kepler
Ben Gamel
Count: 1-2, 0 Outs
Count: 1-2, 1 Out

Jorge Polanco now playing shortstop. Eduardo Escobar now playing third base. Ehire Adrianza now playing first base. Chris Gimenez now pitching. Gamel hits a fly ball into left field. Grossman settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.

Bottom 8 Eduardo Escobar pinch hits for Miguel Sano. Escobar hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Cano scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 8 Jorge Polanco pinch hits for Joe Mauer. Polanco strikes out.
Bottom 8 James Pazos now pitching. Grossman hits a fly ball into right field. Haniger settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 8 Smith strikes out.
Top 8 Heredia hits a line drive into left field. Grossman settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 8 Zunino hits a long drive deep into center field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run.
Top 8 Valencia hits a long drive deep into left center field. That ball is going, going, gone. A home run.
Top 8 Craig Breslow now pitching. Seager hits a fly ball into left field. Grossman settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 7 Dozier hits a ball on the ground towards third. Seager fields it and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 7 Adrianza hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Cano scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 7 Tony Zych now pitching. Buxton hits a ball on the ground towards short. Smith scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 7 Cruz hits a ball on the ground towards short. Adrianza scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 7 Cano hits a ball on the ground towards the mound. Boshers fields it and throws to first for the out. Gamel moves to third. Haniger moves to second.
Top 7 Haniger hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. Gamel moves to second.
Top 7 Gamel hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Dozier fields it and throws to second for the out.
Top 7 Smith hits a ball on the ground into left field for a base hit.
Bottom 6 Castro strikes out.
Bottom 6 Vargas hits a line drive into right field for a base hit. Kepler scores.
Bottom 6 Kepler hits a ball on the ground into left field, out of the reach of Gamel. Kepler reaches second base with a double.
Bottom 6 Sano hits a ball on the ground towards third. Seager fields it and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 6 Mauer hits a ball on the ground towards short. Smith scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 6 Heredia hits a line drive into left field. Grossman settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 6 Zunino strikes out.
Top 6 Buddy Boshers now pitching. Valencia hits a fly ball into right field. Kepler settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. Cruz tags and scores.
Top 6 Seager hits a line drive into right field for a base hit. Cruz moves to third.
Top 6 Cruz takes first base on ball four.
Bottom 5 Grossman hits a ball on the ground for a double play.
Bottom 5 Dozier hits a line drive into center field for a base hit.
Bottom 5 Adrianza hits a fly ball, foul, into left field. Gamel settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Cano hits a fly ball into left field. Grossman settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 5 Haniger strikes out.
Top 5 Gamel takes first base on ball four.
Top 5 Smith strikes out.
Bottom 4 Buxton hits a fly ball into center field. Heredia settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 4 Castro hits a line drive into center field, out of the reach of Heredia. Castro reaches second base with a double.
Bottom 4 Vargas strikes out.
Bottom 4 Kepler hits a popup towards third. Seager settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Top 4 Heredia hits a popup towards short. Adrianza settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Top 4 Zunino hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Seager scores. Valencia moves to third.
Top 4 Alex Wimmers now pitching. Valencia hits a ball on the ground into left field for a base hit. Haniger scores. Seager moves to third.
Top 4 Seager hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Dozier fields it and throws to second for the out. Gamel scores. Haniger moves to third.
Top 4 Cruz is walked intentionally.
Top 4 Cano strikes out.
Top 4 Haniger hits a line drive into left field. Grossman picks it up and fumbles the ball. That's a base hit and an error on Grossman. Gamel moves to third. Haniger moves to second.
Top 4 Gamel hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit.
Bottom 3 Sano strikes out.
Bottom 3 Mauer strikes out.
Bottom 3 Grossman hits a popup, foul, towards third. Seager settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 3 Dozier hits a line drive into right field, out of the reach of Haniger. Dozier reaches second base with a double.
Top 3 Smith hits a line drive into right field. Kepler settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 3 Heredia strikes out.
Top 3 Zunino hits a ball on the ground into left field for a base hit.
Top 3 Valencia hits a line drive into center field. Buxton settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 2 Adrianza hits a popup towards the right side of the infield. Cano settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 2 Buxton hits a ball on the ground towards short. Smith scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Bottom 2 Castro hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Cano scoops it up and throws to first for the out.
Top 2 Seager strikes out.
Top 2 Cruz hits a fly ball into right field. Kepler settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out. Haniger tags and scores.
Top 2 Cano hits a ball on the ground towards the right side of the infield. Dozier fields the ball and throws it to first. Safe. Gamel scores. Haniger moves to third.
Top 2 Haniger hits a line drive into center field. The ball bounces into the stands for a ground rule double. Heredia scores. Smith scores. Gamel moves to third.
Top 2 Gamel hits a line drive into left field for a base hit. Heredia moves to third. Smith moves to second.
Top 2 Smith hits a line drive into center field for a base hit. Heredia moves to second.
Top 2 Heredia hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit.
Top 2 Zunino hits a line drive towards third. Sano reaches out and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 1 Vargas strikes out.
Bottom 1 Kepler hits a ball on the ground towards first. Valencia scoops it up and throws to first, with Gallardo covering, for the out. Mauer moves to third.
Bottom 1 Sano hits a line drive into center field. Heredia settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Bottom 1 Mauer hits a line drive into left field, out of the reach of Gamel. Mauer reaches second base with a double. Dozier scores. Grossman goes all the way around to score.
Bottom 1 Grossman takes first base on ball four.
Bottom 1 There's a wild pitch. Dozier moves to third.
Bottom 1 Dozier hits a fly ball into right field, out of the reach of Haniger. Dozier reaches second base with a double.
Top 1 Valencia strikes out.
Top 1 Seager hits a fly ball into center field. Buxton settles under the ball and makes the catch for the out.
Top 1 Cruz hits a ball on the ground into center field for a base hit. Gamel scores. Haniger scores.
Top 1 Cano hits a popup towards short. Adrianza settles under it and makes the catch for the out.
Top 1 Haniger hits a ball on the ground towards the mound. Mejia fields it, and throws to first. And he throws it away. That's an error on Mejia. Gamel moves to third. Haniger moves to second.
Top 1 Gamel takes first base on ball four.